Chancellor's Collection

A collection of publications by our Chancellor, Dr. John MacArthur.

Showing 49–72 of 84 results

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          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - 1 Corinthians

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - 1 Corinthians by John MacArthur The church at Corinth was a church with problems not unlike those that many churches face today. These issues included worldliness; spiritual...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - 1 Timothy

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - 1 Timothy Paul wrote this letter to Timothy to encourage and instruct him in the ministry. As a young pastor, Timothy faced many temptations and challenges. But...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - 1-3 John

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - 1-3 John by John MacArthur Truth and love are recurring themes of John's three epistles. As those changed by God, genuine believers will characteristically love...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - 2 Corinthians

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - 2 Corinthians by John MacArthur Second Corinthians is the most vulnerable of Paul's letters, providing unique insight into his heart for God and his motivation in...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - 2 Peter and Jude

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - 2 Peter and Jude by John MacArthur Second Peter and Jude are sometimes neglected as the "dark corner" of the New Testament. But Christians avoid these two...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - 2 Timothy

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - 2 Timothy by John MacArthur Second Timothy is essentially Paul's last will and testament. Though alone and in prison, Paul saw his ministry as a success...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Acts 1-12

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Acts 1-12 by John MacArthur The book of Acts is the first volume of church history. It connects the early church to the ministry of Jesus...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Acts 13-28

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Acts 13-28 by John MacArthur The book of Acts is the first volume of church history. It connects the early church to the ministry of Jesus...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Colossians and Philemon

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Colossians and Philemon by John MacArthur From whatever angle one might view the modern age, Colossians and Philemon are up to date. Their timeless truth speaks...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Ephesians

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Ephesians by John MacArthur Ephesians has rightly been titled "the believer's bank" and "the treasure house of the Bible."  This beautiful letter tells Christians of...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Index

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Index by John MacArthur Among the most helpful features of the MacArthur New Testament Commentary set are the indexes in the back of each book. This practical resource combines...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - James

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - James by John MacArthur Faith without works is dead. This truth, which emphasizes the fact that spiritual fruit will accompany genuine belief, lies at the...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - John 1-11

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - John 1-11 by John MacArthur The 25th installment to the MacArthur New Testament Commentary series, which has been praised for its accessibility to lay leaders,...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Luke 1-5

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Luke 1-5 by John MacArthur Luke 1-5 begins The MacArthur New Testament Commentary’s look at the longest of the four Gospels. Luke is unique in its...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Luke 11-17

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Luke 11-17 Luke 11-17 continues The MacArthur New Testament Commentary’s look at the longest of the four Gospels. Luke is unique in its historical detail and...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Luke 6-10

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Luke 6-10 Luke 6-10 continues The MacArthur New Testament Commentary’s look at the longest of the four Gospels. Luke is unique in its historical detail and...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Mark 1-8

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Mark 1-8 "The gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God." Those words not only begin Mark’s gospel, but they also capture one of its...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Mark 9-16

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Mark 9-16 "The gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God." Those words not only begin Mark’s gospel, but they also capture one of its...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Matthew 1-7

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Matthew 1-7 The Old Testament looked forward to the final King of kings who would bring everlasting salvation and peace. In his Gospel, Matthew demonstrates that...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Matthew 16-23

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Matthew 16-23 The Old Testament looked forward to the final King of kings who would bring everlasting salvation and peace. In his Gospel, Matthew demonstrates that...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Matthew 24-28

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Matthew 24-28 The Old Testament looked forward to the final King of kings who would bring everlasting salvation and peace. In his Gospel, Matthew demonstrates that...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Matthew 8-15

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Matthew 8-15 The Old Testament looked forward to the final King of kings who would bring everlasting salvation and peace. In his Gospel, Matthew demonstrates that...

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Philippians

          The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Philippians Though written from prison, Philippians has been called "the epistle of joy." Those who study and apply its teachings will see why. Paul's most personal...