Chancellor's Collection

A collection of publications by our Chancellor, Dr. John MacArthur.

Showing 1–24 of 84 results

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          1 and 2 Thessalonians and Titus (MacArthur Bible Studies)

          1 and 2 Thessalonians and Titus (MacArthur Bible Studies) The MacArthur Study Guide Series continues to be one of the best selling study guide series on the market today. These brand-new...

          1 and 2 Timothy (MacArthur Bible Studies)

          1 and 2 Timothy (MacArthur Bible Studies) Revised and updated, the MacArthur Study Guide Series continues to be one of the best selling study guide series on the market today. For...

          40 Lives in 40 Days: Experiencing God's Grace Through the Bible's Most Compelling Characters

          Join MacArthur for a closer look at the ordinary people God trusted to carry his remarkable message! From the 12 disciples to the Samaritan woman, he sheds light on the imperfect...

          A Simple Christianity (Paperback)

          A Simple Christianity by John MacArthur A description of the Christian faith from the teachings of pastor and international speaker John MacArthur. ISBN: 9780830751273

          A Tale of Two Sons: The Inside Story of a Father, His Sons, and a Shocking Murder

          The Parable of the Prodigal Son still stands out as a crucial lesson about our struggle with sin and dependence on divine salvation. There is a part of this story that often...

          Alone with God: Rediscovering the Power and Passion of Prayer

          Alone with God: Rediscovering the Power and Passion of Prayer by John MacArthur To be Alone with God—such an opportunity should be the Christian's one great desire. How sad that so many...

          Ashamed of the Gospel: When the Church Becomes Like the World

          Ashamed of the Gospel: When the Church Becomes Like the World by John MacArthur "Everywhere there is apathy. Nobody cares whether that which is preached is true or false. A sermon is...

          Christ's Call To Reform the Church: Timeless Demands From the Lord to His People

          Christ's Call To Reform the Church: Timeless Demands From the Lord to His People by John MacArthur What does the church need to hear today? As many have said, the church must...

          Daily Readings From the Life of Christ, Volume 2

          Daily Readings From the Life of Christ, Volume 2 by John MacArthur A Christian devotional on the person of Christ As a Christian, you are called to live like Jesus—a life...

          Diferencias doctrinales entre los carismáticos y los no carismáticos (Spanish Edition)

          Diferencias doctrinales entre los carismáticos y los no carismáticos (Spanish Edition) by John MacArthur Reconociendo la importancia del movimiento carismático y la necesidad de una evaluación bíblica del mismo, MacArthur analiza las...

          El ministerio pastoral: Cómo pastorear bíblicamente (Spanish Edition)

          El ministerio pastoral: Cómo pastorear bíblicamente (Spanish Edition) by John MacArthur Si está tratando de condensar el ministerio pastoral enun volumen, ¡aquí lo tiene!Alentador, perspicaz y desafiante, El ministerio pastoral está diseñadopara una nueva...

          Ephesians: Our immeasurable blessings in Christ

          Ephesians: Our Immeasurable blessings in Christ by John MacArthur Though attempting to live a transformed life by the power of the Holy Spirit, the church in Ephesus was immersed in an evil...

          Equipados Para la Batalla (Spanish Edition)

          Equipados Para la Batalla (Spanish Edition) by John MacArthur Como resistir al enemigo de nuestras almas. El origen de la guerra espiritual, su realidad presente y la respuesta que como cristianos...

          Esclavo: La verdad escondida sobre tu indentidad en Cristo (Spanish Edition)

          Esclavo: La verdad escondida sobre tu indentidad en Cristo (Spanish Edition) by John MacArthur El autor y pastor Dr. John MacArthur revela una palabra crucial que revolucionará lo que significa el...

          ESV MacArthur Study Bible, Black Leather Soft

          Dr. John MacArthur's exhaustive study notes provide access to over 50 years of ministry to aid in a better understanding of God's word. Over 2 million readers around the world have...

          ESV MacArthur Study Bible, Brown Leather Soft

          Dr. John MacArthur's exhaustive study notes provide access to over 50 years of ministry to aid in a better understanding of God's word. Over 2 million readers around the world have...

          Final Word: Why We Need the Bible

          Final Word: Why We Need the Bible by John MacArthur The Bible is under attack on all sides. Unbelievers denounce it as backward, narrow-minded, and intolerant, and even some professing Christians deny...

          Galatians (MacArthur Bible Studies)

          Galatians (MacArthur Bible Studies) by John MacArthur An urgent letter to the early churches in Asia Minor, Galatians expresses Paul's concern for the spiritual welfare of the early believers. The central doctrine of Christianity was...

          Genesis 1-11

          Creation, Sin, and the Nature of God by John MacArthur Where did we come from? Why is there pain and suffering? Who committed the first murder? Why are there so many...

          Jesus Unleashed

          A New Vision of the Bold Confrontations of Christ and Why They Matter by John MacArthur Walk through the gospel records of the “bold confrontations” of Jesus and discover how to use...

          John MacArthur: Servant of the Word and Flock

          John MacArthur: Servant of the Word and Flock by Iain H. Murray Through more than forty years, John MacArthur has opened and taught the Word of God in one local congregation,...

          La consejería: Cómo aconsejar bíblicamente (Spanish Edition)

          La consejería: Cómo aconsejar bíblicamente (Spanish Edition) by John MacArthur Si está tratando de condensar el ministerio deconsejería en un volumen, ¡aquí lo tiene!Se presentan sólidos fundamentos teológicos de la consejería...

          MacArthur's Quick Reference Guide To The Bible

          A Book-By-Book Overview of Essential Bible Information by John MacArthur Study the Bible Deeply, Faithfully, and Effectively There is a big difference between simply reading the Bible and studying the Bible...