Chancellor's Collection

A collection of publications by our Chancellor, Dr. John MacArthur.

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          Ephesians: Our immeasurable blessings in Christ

          Ephesians: Our Immeasurable blessings in Christ by John MacArthur Though attempting to live a transformed life by the power of the Holy Spirit, the church in Ephesus was immersed in an evil...

          Genesis 1-11

          Creation, Sin, and the Nature of God by John MacArthur Where did we come from? Why is there pain and suffering? Who committed the first murder? Why are there so many...

          Jesus Unleashed

          A New Vision of the Bold Confrontations of Christ and Why They Matter by John MacArthur Walk through the gospel records of the “bold confrontations” of Jesus and discover how to use...

          MacArthur's Quick Reference Guide To The Bible

          A Book-By-Book Overview of Essential Bible Information by John MacArthur Study the Bible Deeply, Faithfully, and Effectively There is a big difference between simply reading the Bible and studying the Bible...

          One Faithful Life

          A Harmony of the Life and Letters by John MacArthur Experience Paul's world-changing writings in the full, chronological context of his life story--from Pharisee and persecutor of the church to the...


          The Mysteries of God's Kingdom Revealed Through the Stories Jesus Told by John MacArthur Pastor-teacher John MacArthur helps readers understand Jesus’ parables and how they relate to the whole of His...

          Remember and Return

          Remember and Return: Rekindling your Love for The Savior (Paperback) by John MacArthur  31-Day Devotional from Bestselling Author and Bible Teacher John MacArthurIn the busyness and trials of life, it's easy to drift...

          Romans: Grace, Truth, and Redemption

          Romans: Grace, Truth, and Redemption by John MacArthur Paul’s letter to the Romans is an inspired masterpiece of doctrine highlighting God’s grace, truth, and redemption. Within its pages, the apostle shares his...

          The Freedom and Power of Forgiveness

          The Freedom and Power of Forgiveness by John MacArthur Few concepts are more basic to Christianity-or more important to a Christian's personal and spiritual well-being-than forgiveness. Yet in an age in...

          The God Who Loves: He Will Do Whatever It Takes To Draw Us To Him

          The God Who Loves: He Will Do Whatever It Takes To Draw Us To Him by John F. MacArthur "God is love." It's the most basic definition of God in Scriptures, but...