
Vital Missions Issues: Examining Challenges and Changes in World Evangelism


Vital Missions Issues: Examining Challenges and Changes in World Evangelism by Roy Zuck

The Vital Issues Series draws upon the insights and study of numerous evangelical scholars and writers to address the practical questions and issues of contemporary life. Chosen from past issues of Bibliotheca Sacra, these volumes address questions faced by every believer who sincerely desires to please God and to be more Christlike.

ISBN: 9781592448777

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Categories: Books Tags: Christian Living

Vital Missions Issues: Examining Challenges and Changes in World Evangelism by Roy Zuck

The Vital Issues Series draws upon the insights and study of numerous evangelical scholars and writers to address the practical questions and issues of contemporary life. Chosen from past issues of Bibliotheca Sacra, these volumes address questions faced by every believer who sincerely desires to please God and to be more Christlike.

ISBN: 9781592448777

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