
True Worshipers: Seeking What Matters to God


True Worshipers: Seeking What Matters to God by Bob Kauflin

The question is not Are you a worshiper?” but rather “What kind of a worshiper are you?”

In True Worshipers, Bob Kauflin, a seasoned pastor and musician, opens our eyes to the massive significance of being the type of worshiper God is seeking. Rooted in the gospel of grace and filled with practical application, this book aims to connect Sunday morning to the rest of your life—helping you fulfill your calling to be a true worshiper each and every day.

ISBN: 9781433542305


True Worshipers: Seeking What Matters to God by Bob Kauflin

The question is not Are you a worshiper?” but rather “What kind of a worshiper are you?”

In True Worshipers, Bob Kauflin, a seasoned pastor and musician, opens our eyes to the massive significance of being the type of worshiper God is seeking. Rooted in the gospel of grace and filled with practical application, this book aims to connect Sunday morning to the rest of your life—helping you fulfill your calling to be a true worshiper each and every day.

ISBN: 9781433542305

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