
Treatises on the Sacraments (Vol III)


Treatises on the Sacraments (Vol III) by John Calvin

John Calvin was easily one of the most influential Christians of the 2nd millennium. A key figure in the Protestant Reformation, Calvin's legacy remains immensely strong, with hundreds of thousands gaining insight from his works of major doctrines such as the interaction between the Sovereignty of God and Man's Free Will.

Countless analyses and critiques of Calvin's work have been released over the centuries, and a huge number of Churches and denominations hold to Calvin's teaching to varying degrees. Calvin's name is thrown about in theological discussions that cover a broad spectrum.

This unedited collection of sermons allows you to read John Calvin's own ideas on issues relating to the sacraments, catechisms, forms of prayer and confessions of faith.

One of the key issues that led to the Reformation and the birth of Protestantism was Rome's treatment of the Lord's Supper. Calvin and the Reformers believed the Catholic Mass was founded on a grave error that needed to be corrected. The majority of this collection majors on this key doctrine that still divides the church.

ISBN: 9781857927252


Treatises on the Sacraments (Vol III) by John Calvin

John Calvin was easily one of the most influential Christians of the 2nd millennium. A key figure in the Protestant Reformation, Calvin's legacy remains immensely strong, with hundreds of thousands gaining insight from his works of major doctrines such as the interaction between the Sovereignty of God and Man's Free Will.

Countless analyses and critiques of Calvin's work have been released over the centuries, and a huge number of Churches and denominations hold to Calvin's teaching to varying degrees. Calvin's name is thrown about in theological discussions that cover a broad spectrum.

This unedited collection of sermons allows you to read John Calvin's own ideas on issues relating to the sacraments, catechisms, forms of prayer and confessions of faith.

One of the key issues that led to the Reformation and the birth of Protestantism was Rome's treatment of the Lord's Supper. Calvin and the Reformers believed the Catholic Mass was founded on a grave error that needed to be corrected. The majority of this collection majors on this key doctrine that still divides the church.

ISBN: 9781857927252

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