
Meet the Puritans: With a Guide to Modern Reprints


Meet the Puritans: With a Guide to Modern Reprints by Joel Beeke and Randall J. Pederson 

This encyclopedic resource provides biographical sketches of all the major Puritans as well as bibliographic summaries of their writings and work. Meet the Puritans is an important addition to the library of the layman, pastor, student and scholar.

'The recent revival in interest in and commitment to the truths of Reformed theology is due in large measure to the rediscovery of Puritan literature. The Puritans of old have become the prophets for our time. This volume is a treasure for the church.' - DR. R. C. SPROUL, President of Ligonier Ministries

ISBN: 9781601780003



Meet the Puritans: With a Guide to Modern Reprints by Joel Beeke and Randall J. Pederson 

This encyclopedic resource provides biographical sketches of all the major Puritans as well as bibliographic summaries of their writings and work. Meet the Puritans is an important addition to the library of the layman, pastor, student and scholar.

'The recent revival in interest in and commitment to the truths of Reformed theology is due in large measure to the rediscovery of Puritan literature. The Puritans of old have become the prophets for our time. This volume is a treasure for the church.' - DR. R. C. SPROUL, President of Ligonier Ministries

ISBN: 9781601780003


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