
Learning in Christ's School (Puritan Paperbacks)


Learning in Christ's School (Puritan Paperbacks) by Ralph Venning

In this unique account of growth in grace, 'babes', 'little children', 'young men' and 'fathers' are the stages through which the learners in Christ's school pass on their way to the 'academy of heaven'. While supporting and comforting beginners in the school of grace, Venning encourages all Christians to make further progress towards 'the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ' (Eph. 4:13).

ISBN: 9780851517643


Learning in Christ's School (Puritan Paperbacks) by Ralph Venning

In this unique account of growth in grace, 'babes', 'little children', 'young men' and 'fathers' are the stages through which the learners in Christ's school pass on their way to the 'academy of heaven'. While supporting and comforting beginners in the school of grace, Venning encourages all Christians to make further progress towards 'the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ' (Eph. 4:13).

ISBN: 9780851517643

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