
The Big Umbrella and Other Essays and Addresses on Biblical Counseling


The Big Umbrella and Other Essays and Addresses on Biblical Counseling by Jay Adams

The Big Umbrella is a collection of essays and addresses given by the author in the early 1970s. In it, Jay Adams, perhaps the central figure in the "nouthetic," or Biblical Counseling Movement, discusses a wide variety of subjects all dealing in some way with counseling from a biblical perspective. Dr. Adams confronts and dismantles the common notion of modern psychology that all people with emotional and behavioral problems are "sick," and presents instead a sound argument that sin and our rebellious nature are at the core of these issues.

ISBN: 9781879737754


The Big Umbrella and Other Essays and Addresses on Biblical Counseling by Jay Adams

The Big Umbrella is a collection of essays and addresses given by the author in the early 1970s. In it, Jay Adams, perhaps the central figure in the "nouthetic," or Biblical Counseling Movement, discusses a wide variety of subjects all dealing in some way with counseling from a biblical perspective. Dr. Adams confronts and dismantles the common notion of modern psychology that all people with emotional and behavioral problems are "sick," and presents instead a sound argument that sin and our rebellious nature are at the core of these issues.

ISBN: 9781879737754

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