
Because of Christ


Because of Christ by Juan de Valdes and William Wilberforce

Almost unknown by evangelical Christians today, Juan de Valdes and Don Benedetto were Reformers who penned what are probably the two most significant works of the Italian Reformation: "One Hundred and Ten Considerations" and "On the Benefit of Jesus Christ, Crucified." Both writers protested not merely against the corruption of the Roman Catholic church, as Martin Luther Did, but went further to challenge the Italian humanism of the Renaissance. While John Calvin's Institutes richly teach the doctrine of the atonement by faith, the thought of Juan de Valdes reflects more of a struggle and debate among a group of friends about how the participatory experience of justification by faith is actually lived out. The writings of Don Benedetto develop similar ideas about the centrality of Christ's death, and the role that assurance and joy play in the Christian life.

ISBN: 9780781441988


Because of Christ by Juan de Valdes and William Wilberforce

Almost unknown by evangelical Christians today, Juan de Valdes and Don Benedetto were Reformers who penned what are probably the two most significant works of the Italian Reformation: "One Hundred and Ten Considerations" and "On the Benefit of Jesus Christ, Crucified." Both writers protested not merely against the corruption of the Roman Catholic church, as Martin Luther Did, but went further to challenge the Italian humanism of the Renaissance. While John Calvin's Institutes richly teach the doctrine of the atonement by faith, the thought of Juan de Valdes reflects more of a struggle and debate among a group of friends about how the participatory experience of justification by faith is actually lived out. The writings of Don Benedetto develop similar ideas about the centrality of Christ's death, and the role that assurance and joy play in the Christian life.

ISBN: 9780781441988

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