How to Study the Bible


How to Study the Bible by John MacArthur

The Bible is the Word of life. As such, studying the Bible is crucial to the life and growth of every believer.

In this revised work, John MacArthur examines various Scripture passages in the Old and New Testament to answer both the “why” and the “how” questions of Bible study.

How to Study the Bible can be used alongside or apart from the audio series available from Grace to You in either a personal or group study.

Features revised content and study questions

ISBN: 9780802453037


How to Study the Bible by John MacArthur

The Bible is the Word of life. As such, studying the Bible is crucial to the life and growth of every believer.

In this revised work, John MacArthur examines various Scripture passages in the Old and New Testament to answer both the “why” and the “how” questions of Bible study.

How to Study the Bible can be used alongside or apart from the audio series available from Grace to You in either a personal or group study.

Features revised content and study questions

ISBN: 9780802453037

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