Worshiping with the Reformers


Worshiping with the Reformers by Kari Maag

Worship of the triune God has always stood at the center of the Christian life. That was certainly the case during the sixteenth-century Reformation as well. Yet in the midst of tremendous social and theological upheaval, the church had to renew its understanding of what it means to worship God. In this volume, which serves as a companion to IVP Academic's Reformation Commentary on Scripture series, Reformation scholar Karin Maag takes readers inside the worshiping life of the church during this era. Drawing from sources across theological traditions, she explores several aspects of the church's worship, including what it was like to attend church, reforms in preaching, the function of prayer, how Christians experienced the sacraments, and the roles of both visual art and music in worship. With Maag as your guide, you can go to church―with the Reformers.


  • Publisher : IVP Academic (February 9, 2021)
  • Language : English
  • Paperback : 248 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 0830853022
  • ISBN-13 : 9780830853021
  • Item Weight : 10.2 ounces

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Categories: Books Tags: Biography, Theology

Worshiping with the Reformers by Kari Maag

Worship of the triune God has always stood at the center of the Christian life. That was certainly the case during the sixteenth-century Reformation as well. Yet in the midst of tremendous social and theological upheaval, the church had to renew its understanding of what it means to worship God. In this volume, which serves as a companion to IVP Academic's Reformation Commentary on Scripture series, Reformation scholar Karin Maag takes readers inside the worshiping life of the church during this era. Drawing from sources across theological traditions, she explores several aspects of the church's worship, including what it was like to attend church, reforms in preaching, the function of prayer, how Christians experienced the sacraments, and the roles of both visual art and music in worship. With Maag as your guide, you can go to church―with the Reformers.


  • Publisher : IVP Academic (February 9, 2021)
  • Language : English
  • Paperback : 248 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 0830853022
  • ISBN-13 : 9780830853021
  • Item Weight : 10.2 ounces
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