Work and Our Labor in the Lord (Short Studies in Biblical Theology)


Work and Our Labor in the Lord (Short Studies in Biblical Theology) by James M. Hamilton Jr. 

"You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you." 
—Psalm 128:2

Work has been a part of God's good creation since before the fall—created to reflect his image and glory to the world. What are we to make of this when work today is all too often characterized by unwanted toil, pain, and futility? In this book, pastor, professor, and biblical scholar James Hamilton explores how work fits into the big story of the Bible, revealing the glory that God intended when he gave man work to do, the ruin that came as a result of the fall, and the redemption yet to come, offering hope for flourishing in the midst of fallen futility.

Part of the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series.

ISBN: 9781433549953


Work and Our Labor in the Lord (Short Studies in Biblical Theology) by James M. Hamilton Jr. 

"You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you." 
—Psalm 128:2

Work has been a part of God's good creation since before the fall—created to reflect his image and glory to the world. What are we to make of this when work today is all too often characterized by unwanted toil, pain, and futility? In this book, pastor, professor, and biblical scholar James Hamilton explores how work fits into the big story of the Bible, revealing the glory that God intended when he gave man work to do, the ruin that came as a result of the fall, and the redemption yet to come, offering hope for flourishing in the midst of fallen futility.

Part of the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series.

ISBN: 9781433549953

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