When Life Crumbles: Finding Hope In Tough Times


This book weaves the true, heart-wrenching story of five-year-old Natalie Lewis through the experiences, reactions, and prayers of her parents, Curtis and Deann. The reader will discover how this family, through the grace, mercy, and power of Jesus Christ, finds hope amidst a tragic event in their lives. 

"Inevitably, two questions need answering: Why does God allow suffering? And Where is God when I'm hurting? God's Word has profound answers to these questions. Deann and Curtis Lewis carefully sought and found those truths in Scripture as they dealt with the aftermath of a 'simple' heart procedure that left their five-year-old daughter, Natalie, with a global brain injury. I am grateful for the Lewises' transparency on the pages of When Life Crumbles: Finding Hope In Tough Times. They exalt God's grace and mercy on every page. the questions and answer addressed in the book speak to everyone's life story and offer true and enduring peace in the midst of panic." (John MacArthur)

Categories: Books

This book weaves the true, heart-wrenching story of five-year-old Natalie Lewis through the experiences, reactions, and prayers of her parents, Curtis and Deann. The reader will discover how this family, through the grace, mercy, and power of Jesus Christ, finds hope amidst a tragic event in their lives. 

"Inevitably, two questions need answering: Why does God allow suffering? And Where is God when I'm hurting? God's Word has profound answers to these questions. Deann and Curtis Lewis carefully sought and found those truths in Scripture as they dealt with the aftermath of a 'simple' heart procedure that left their five-year-old daughter, Natalie, with a global brain injury. I am grateful for the Lewises' transparency on the pages of When Life Crumbles: Finding Hope In Tough Times. They exalt God's grace and mercy on every page. the questions and answer addressed in the book speak to everyone's life story and offer true and enduring peace in the midst of panic." (John MacArthur)

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