Thoughts on the New England Revival: Vindicating the Great Awakening


Thoughts on the New England Revival: Vindicating the Great Awakening by Jonathan Edwards

What is a revival? How is it to be recognized? Is it a genuine work of the Spirit of God? If it is, then how is revival to be guarded against the spurious errors and unspiritual tendencies of its over-zealous promoters? These are the questions taken up and ably answered by 'the theologian of revival', who, in God s providence, has supplied future generations of Christians with a sure guide on this vital subject.

ISBN: 9780851518947


Thoughts on the New England Revival: Vindicating the Great Awakening by Jonathan Edwards

What is a revival? How is it to be recognized? Is it a genuine work of the Spirit of God? If it is, then how is revival to be guarded against the spurious errors and unspiritual tendencies of its over-zealous promoters? These are the questions taken up and ably answered by 'the theologian of revival', who, in God s providence, has supplied future generations of Christians with a sure guide on this vital subject.

ISBN: 9780851518947

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