The Way of the Righteous in the Muck of Life: Psalms 1-12


The Way of the Righteous in the Muck of Life: Psalms 1-12 by Dale Ralph Davis 

In the opening pages of the Psalms, believers discover foundational truth for right living and great delight as children of God. Trusted theologian Dale Ralph Davis leads readers through a careful study of Psalms 1-12 with clear application for daily life.
These beautiful Psalms see the Psalmist go through both good and terribly bad times. The righteous rely on God, and the Psalms teach us how. This book is ideal for use by small groups, as a teaching guide or for reference.

ISBN: 9781781918616

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Categories: Books Tags: Christian Living

The Way of the Righteous in the Muck of Life: Psalms 1-12 by Dale Ralph Davis 

In the opening pages of the Psalms, believers discover foundational truth for right living and great delight as children of God. Trusted theologian Dale Ralph Davis leads readers through a careful study of Psalms 1-12 with clear application for daily life.
These beautiful Psalms see the Psalmist go through both good and terribly bad times. The righteous rely on God, and the Psalms teach us how. This book is ideal for use by small groups, as a teaching guide or for reference.

ISBN: 9781781918616

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