The True Christian's Love to the Unseen Christ


The True Christian's Love to the Unseen Christ by Thomas Vincent

Whom having not seen, ye love. . . .—1 Peter 1:8

Love to Christ is essential to true Christianity. Without love, faith lies dead, like a body without a soul. While many claim to be Christians, their lack of love for Christ proves that they know nothing of Christianity’s true nature. Therefore Christ demands love from all His disciples, knowing the transforming power it has over the souls of men.

In The True Christian’s Love to the Unseen Christ, Thomas Vincent endeavors to excite and provoke Christians to a lively and vigorous exercise of love toward Jesus. With pastoral affection, Vincent delivers a variety of arguments and motivations to stir us up to love. He also provides a number of wise directions for how to warm and enflame one’s heart with a love for Christ. A devotional classic, this specimen of practical Christianity is full of biblical application and encouragement.

This volume also includes a biographical sketch of the author and appended sermon concerning Christ’s manifestation of Himself to those who love Him.

Foreword written by John MacArthur.

ISBN: 9781877611575

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Categories: Books Tags: Christian Living

The True Christian's Love to the Unseen Christ by Thomas Vincent

Whom having not seen, ye love. . . .—1 Peter 1:8

Love to Christ is essential to true Christianity. Without love, faith lies dead, like a body without a soul. While many claim to be Christians, their lack of love for Christ proves that they know nothing of Christianity’s true nature. Therefore Christ demands love from all His disciples, knowing the transforming power it has over the souls of men.

In The True Christian’s Love to the Unseen Christ, Thomas Vincent endeavors to excite and provoke Christians to a lively and vigorous exercise of love toward Jesus. With pastoral affection, Vincent delivers a variety of arguments and motivations to stir us up to love. He also provides a number of wise directions for how to warm and enflame one’s heart with a love for Christ. A devotional classic, this specimen of practical Christianity is full of biblical application and encouragement.

This volume also includes a biographical sketch of the author and appended sermon concerning Christ’s manifestation of Himself to those who love Him.

Foreword written by John MacArthur.

ISBN: 9781877611575

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