
The Silent Shepherd: The Care, Comfort, and Correction of the Holy Spirit (John Macarthur Study)


The Silent Shepherd: The Care, Comfort, and Correction of the Holy Spirit by John MacArthur

The role of the Holy Spirit in a Christian's life is often misunderstood. Some believers focus solely on spiritual gifts, some emphasize the practical over the spiritual, and others avoid the subject altogether. Yet in spite of the apparent confusion, the truth is surprisingly simple: God's Spirit is a vital part of our relationship with Him.

The Silent Shepherd offers a balanced, scripturally sound look at the personality, works, and deity of the Holy Spirit. Drawing from over 40 years in ministry, pastor and author John MacArthur, Jr. clears away misconceptions, offers fresh insights, and shares how God's Spirit can guide, lead, and empower every believer. This revised and updated edition includes a guide for both personal and group study and features discovery questions, suggestions for prayer, and activities, all designed to connect life-changing truths with everyday living.

ISBN: 9780781406734


The Silent Shepherd: The Care, Comfort, and Correction of the Holy Spirit by John MacArthur

The role of the Holy Spirit in a Christian's life is often misunderstood. Some believers focus solely on spiritual gifts, some emphasize the practical over the spiritual, and others avoid the subject altogether. Yet in spite of the apparent confusion, the truth is surprisingly simple: God's Spirit is a vital part of our relationship with Him.

The Silent Shepherd offers a balanced, scripturally sound look at the personality, works, and deity of the Holy Spirit. Drawing from over 40 years in ministry, pastor and author John MacArthur, Jr. clears away misconceptions, offers fresh insights, and shares how God's Spirit can guide, lead, and empower every believer. This revised and updated edition includes a guide for both personal and group study and features discovery questions, suggestions for prayer, and activities, all designed to connect life-changing truths with everyday living.

ISBN: 9780781406734

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