
The Lordship of Christ: Serving Our Savior All of the Time, in All of Life, with All of Our Heart


The Lordship of Christ: Serving Our Savior All of the Time, in All of Life, with All of Our Heart by Vern S. Poythress

Jesus Christ was not merely a human being. He was not merely a famous religious teacher.

Jesus Christ is Lord of all.

This radical claim from the Bible has profound implications for every area of life—for every person and every facet of society. Drawing on key biblical texts, Vern Poythress explores what acknowledging the authority of Christ means for the way we should think and act. Unpacking how this authority affects spheres of life such as religion, politics, science, art, education, and the future, Poythress helps us pursue obedience to Christ as an expression of our gratitude and devotion—and our anticipation of the joy promised to us when we serve him with all of our heart.

ISBN: 9781433549533


The Lordship of Christ: Serving Our Savior All of the Time, in All of Life, with All of Our Heart by Vern S. Poythress

Jesus Christ was not merely a human being. He was not merely a famous religious teacher.

Jesus Christ is Lord of all.

This radical claim from the Bible has profound implications for every area of life—for every person and every facet of society. Drawing on key biblical texts, Vern Poythress explores what acknowledging the authority of Christ means for the way we should think and act. Unpacking how this authority affects spheres of life such as religion, politics, science, art, education, and the future, Poythress helps us pursue obedience to Christ as an expression of our gratitude and devotion—and our anticipation of the joy promised to us when we serve him with all of our heart.

ISBN: 9781433549533

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