The Farewell Discourse and Final Prayer of Jesus: An Evangelical Exposition of John 14-17


The Farewell Discourse and Final Prayer of Jesus: An Evangelical Exposition of John 14-17 by D. A. Carson

In this study D. A. Carson illuminates Jesus's message to his disciples after the Last Supper, in which Jesus proclaims the coming of the Holy Spirit and prays for himself, his followers, and the world. D. A. Carson clearly explains what Jesus taught his disciples the night before his crucifixion. This exposition of John 14-17 helps students of the Bible appreciate Jesus's teaching on the coming and the work of the Holy Spirit, his high priestly prayer, and his commandment to love one another.

ISBN: 9780801075902

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Categories: Books Tags: Christian Living

The Farewell Discourse and Final Prayer of Jesus: An Evangelical Exposition of John 14-17 by D. A. Carson

In this study D. A. Carson illuminates Jesus's message to his disciples after the Last Supper, in which Jesus proclaims the coming of the Holy Spirit and prays for himself, his followers, and the world. D. A. Carson clearly explains what Jesus taught his disciples the night before his crucifixion. This exposition of John 14-17 helps students of the Bible appreciate Jesus's teaching on the coming and the work of the Holy Spirit, his high priestly prayer, and his commandment to love one another.

ISBN: 9780801075902

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