That You May Know: Assurance of Salvation in 1 John (New American Commentary Studies in Bible and Theology)


That You May Know: Assurance of Salvation in 1 John (New American Commentary Studies in Bible and Theology) by Christopher D. Bass 

The fifth book of the New American Commentary Studies in Bible & Theology series, That You May Know closely examines the theme of eternal salvation in 1 John. No other New Testament book speaks as frequently and explicitly to the believer’s confidence in everlasting life. The epistle writer grounds his reader’s assurance of salvation on the person and work of Jesus Christ and demonstrates that the believer’s lifestyle serves as a vital corroborating support for that assurance. This gives the commentary’s author Christopher Bass an opening to further discuss John’s emphasis on living righteously and what it truly means to be born of God.

Users will find this an excellent extension of the long-respected New American Commentary series.

ISBN: 9780805447613


That You May Know: Assurance of Salvation in 1 John (New American Commentary Studies in Bible and Theology) by Christopher D. Bass 

The fifth book of the New American Commentary Studies in Bible & Theology series, That You May Know closely examines the theme of eternal salvation in 1 John. No other New Testament book speaks as frequently and explicitly to the believer’s confidence in everlasting life. The epistle writer grounds his reader’s assurance of salvation on the person and work of Jesus Christ and demonstrates that the believer’s lifestyle serves as a vital corroborating support for that assurance. This gives the commentary’s author Christopher Bass an opening to further discuss John’s emphasis on living righteously and what it truly means to be born of God.

Users will find this an excellent extension of the long-respected New American Commentary series.

ISBN: 9780805447613

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