Sins Of The Fathers - Companion Book


Sins Of The Fathers - Companion Book

Read the companion book to THE MAN FROM NOWHERE, the first feature film from The Master’s University.

Parenting is never easy. Nobody in this fallen world has mastered it. And when it comes to raising children in the fear of the Lord, fathers shoulder the greatest biblical responsibility—being accountable to God as the heads of their homes (Eph. 6:4; 1 Tim. 3:4–5). The need to learn and grow in the role of fatherhood never ceases, and Scripture is our richest source of parental wisdom. It offers clear instructions and furnishes us with powerful examples. And it’s not just the good dads that we can learn from—in fact, the bad dads of the Bible may well teach the most profound lessons of all...

By Cameron Buettel. Foreword by Matt Green.


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Categories: Books Tags: Film

Sins Of The Fathers - Companion Book

Read the companion book to THE MAN FROM NOWHERE, the first feature film from The Master’s University.

Parenting is never easy. Nobody in this fallen world has mastered it. And when it comes to raising children in the fear of the Lord, fathers shoulder the greatest biblical responsibility—being accountable to God as the heads of their homes (Eph. 6:4; 1 Tim. 3:4–5). The need to learn and grow in the role of fatherhood never ceases, and Scripture is our richest source of parental wisdom. It offers clear instructions and furnishes us with powerful examples. And it’s not just the good dads that we can learn from—in fact, the bad dads of the Bible may well teach the most profound lessons of all...

By Cameron Buettel. Foreword by Matt Green.


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