A View of Saving Faith: From the Sacred Records


A View of Saving Faith: From the Sacred Records by John Colquhoun

Scripture says that there are two kinds of faith, saving and non-saving. So how can a person know if he has the faith that saves? This is what the great Scottish preacher John Colquhoun addresses in this scarce title that has been out of print since 1824.

ISBN: 9780979857942

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Categories: Books Tags: Christian Living

A View of Saving Faith: From the Sacred Records by John Colquhoun

Scripture says that there are two kinds of faith, saving and non-saving. So how can a person know if he has the faith that saves? This is what the great Scottish preacher John Colquhoun addresses in this scarce title that has been out of print since 1824.

ISBN: 9780979857942

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