Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Women


Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Women by Patricia A. Miller

For counselors, pastors, women's ministry leaders, and any Christian woman who wants a user-friendly quick reference guide to Scripture, here is an essential resource! Scripture passages are conveniently gathered under ninety topics that concern today's women, including adoption, birth control, career, contentment, dating/courtship, depression, friendship, prodigal children, self-worth, singleness, an unsaved spouse, worry, and more. Perfect for counseling or for personal study and memorization, this revised and updated edition includes new topics and features an attractive new cover design.

ISBN: 9780801015809

Categories: Books Tags: Christian Living

Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Women by Patricia A. Miller

For counselors, pastors, women's ministry leaders, and any Christian woman who wants a user-friendly quick reference guide to Scripture, here is an essential resource! Scripture passages are conveniently gathered under ninety topics that concern today's women, including adoption, birth control, career, contentment, dating/courtship, depression, friendship, prodigal children, self-worth, singleness, an unsaved spouse, worry, and more. Perfect for counseling or for personal study and memorization, this revised and updated edition includes new topics and features an attractive new cover design.

ISBN: 9780801015809

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