
Pastoral Ministry: How to Shepherd Biblically (MacArthur Pastor's Library)


Pastoral Ministry: How to Shepherd Biblically by John MacArthur

Encouraging, insightful, and challenging, Pastoral Ministry is designed for a new generation of shepherds who seek to lead with the passion of the apostles. Written by MacArthur and his colleagues at The Master's Seminary, this guide outlines the biblical priorities essential to effective ministry.

Other contributors include: Richard L. Mayhue, James F. Stitzinger, Alex D. Montoya, James M. George, Irvin A. Busenitz, James E. Rosscup, Donard G. McDougall, Robert L. Thomas, David C. Deuel, George J. Zemek, and S. Lance Quinn.

ISBN: 9781418500061


Pastoral Ministry: How to Shepherd Biblically by John MacArthur

Encouraging, insightful, and challenging, Pastoral Ministry is designed for a new generation of shepherds who seek to lead with the passion of the apostles. Written by MacArthur and his colleagues at The Master's Seminary, this guide outlines the biblical priorities essential to effective ministry.

Other contributors include: Richard L. Mayhue, James F. Stitzinger, Alex D. Montoya, James M. George, Irvin A. Busenitz, James E. Rosscup, Donard G. McDougall, Robert L. Thomas, David C. Deuel, George J. Zemek, and S. Lance Quinn.

ISBN: 9781418500061

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