Kingdom of Priests: A History of Old Testament Israel


Kingdom of Priests: A History of Old Testament Israel by Eugene H. Merrill

From the origins and exodus to the restoration and new hope, Kingdom of Priests offers a comprehensive introduction to the history of Old Testament Israel. Merrill explores the history of ancient Israel not only from Old Testament texts but also from the literary and archeological sources of the ancient Near East. After selling more than 30,000 copies, the book has now been updated and revised. The second edition addresses and interacts with current debates in the history of ancient Israel, offering an up to date articulation of a conservative evangelical position on historical matters. The text is accented with nearly twenty maps and charts.

ISBN: 9780801031991


Kingdom of Priests: A History of Old Testament Israel by Eugene H. Merrill

From the origins and exodus to the restoration and new hope, Kingdom of Priests offers a comprehensive introduction to the history of Old Testament Israel. Merrill explores the history of ancient Israel not only from Old Testament texts but also from the literary and archeological sources of the ancient Near East. After selling more than 30,000 copies, the book has now been updated and revised. The second edition addresses and interacts with current debates in the history of ancient Israel, offering an up to date articulation of a conservative evangelical position on historical matters. The text is accented with nearly twenty maps and charts.

ISBN: 9780801031991

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