John Owen on the Christian Life


John Owen on the Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson

John Owen on the Christian Life; addresses the fundamental issues Christians face in every age: How can I live the Christian life? how am I to deal with sin and temptation? How can I find assurance, and live for the honour of Jesus Christ? This is the first book-length study of any aspect of Owen's thought, it also stands on its own as a study in pastoral theology. Ministers, Christian leaders, readers of Owen, and those who are daunted by the sheer voluminousness of his writings will find this book an ideal companion.

ISBN: 9780851515038


John Owen on the Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson

John Owen on the Christian Life; addresses the fundamental issues Christians face in every age: How can I live the Christian life? how am I to deal with sin and temptation? How can I find assurance, and live for the honour of Jesus Christ? This is the first book-length study of any aspect of Owen's thought, it also stands on its own as a study in pastoral theology. Ministers, Christian leaders, readers of Owen, and those who are daunted by the sheer voluminousness of his writings will find this book an ideal companion.

ISBN: 9780851515038

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