
Depresion Espiritual (Spiritual Depression): Sus Causas y Su Cura (Spanish Edition)


Depresion Espiritual (Spiritual Depression): Sus Causas y Su Cura (Spanish Edition) by Martyn Lloyd-Jones

This book contains 21 sermons that the author preached at Westminster Chapel (London). With great care and tender compassion, the author analyzes one of the undeniable characteristics of modern society, one which believers have not been able to avoid: depression. Lloyd-Jones reminds us that joy and happiness were one of the most attractive elements of Christianity in the first centuries. These sermons help us regain the spiritual vitality and the joy of being a Christian.

ISBN: 9780939125616


Depresion Espiritual (Spiritual Depression): Sus Causas y Su Cura (Spanish Edition) by Martyn Lloyd-Jones

This book contains 21 sermons that the author preached at Westminster Chapel (London). With great care and tender compassion, the author analyzes one of the undeniable characteristics of modern society, one which believers have not been able to avoid: depression. Lloyd-Jones reminds us that joy and happiness were one of the most attractive elements of Christianity in the first centuries. These sermons help us regain the spiritual vitality and the joy of being a Christian.

ISBN: 9780939125616

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