
Communion with God: The Divine and the Human in the Theology of John Owen


Communion with God: The Divine and the Human in the Theology of John Owen by Kelly M. Kapic

The Puritan John Owen is best remembered today for his theological writings on high Calvinism, traditional orthodoxy, church polity, and the pursuit of holiness. According to Kelly M. Kapic, Owen is being rediscovered by a variety of people today, including theologians, evangelical ministers, and laypeople interested in classic forms of spirituality. With this diverse audience in mind, Kapic focuses on the concept of communion with God in Owens thought, covering key areas such as anthropology, Christology, trinitarian studies, and the Lord's Supper.

ISBN: 9780801031441


Communion with God: The Divine and the Human in the Theology of John Owen by Kelly M. Kapic

The Puritan John Owen is best remembered today for his theological writings on high Calvinism, traditional orthodoxy, church polity, and the pursuit of holiness. According to Kelly M. Kapic, Owen is being rediscovered by a variety of people today, including theologians, evangelical ministers, and laypeople interested in classic forms of spirituality. With this diverse audience in mind, Kapic focuses on the concept of communion with God in Owens thought, covering key areas such as anthropology, Christology, trinitarian studies, and the Lord's Supper.

ISBN: 9780801031441

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