Church Elders: How to Shepherd God's People Like Jesus (9marks: Building Healthy Churches)


Church Elders: How to Shepherd God's People Like Jesus (9marks: Building Healthy Churches) by Jeramie Rinne 

What does effective church leadership look like?

In this conversational book, pastor Jeramie Rinne sets forth an easy-to-understand “job description” for elders drawn from the Bible’s teaching on church leadership.

Offering practical guidance for new elders and helping church members better understand and support their spiritual leaders, this succinct volume will encourage elders to embrace their calling with grace, wisdom, and clarity of vision.

ISBN: 9781433540875


Church Elders: How to Shepherd God's People Like Jesus (9marks: Building Healthy Churches) by Jeramie Rinne 

What does effective church leadership look like?

In this conversational book, pastor Jeramie Rinne sets forth an easy-to-understand “job description” for elders drawn from the Bible’s teaching on church leadership.

Offering practical guidance for new elders and helping church members better understand and support their spiritual leaders, this succinct volume will encourage elders to embrace their calling with grace, wisdom, and clarity of vision.

ISBN: 9781433540875

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