Charity and Its Fruits: Living in the Light of God's Love


Charity and Its Fruits: Living in the Light of God's Love by Jonathan Edwards 

Jonathan Edwards took great pains to illustrate how love must be lived out and exercised in one’s life when he exposited I Corinthians 13. Thus Edwards scholar Kyle Strobel has gone to great lengths to help readers understand this classic work of biblical spirituality by providing:

  • A detailed introduction
  • Over 150 explanatory notes addressing difficult concepts throughout the text
  • Definitions of arcane terminology
  • Relevant quotes from Edwards’s other writings
  • A conclusion showing how to appropriate Edwards’s work

Here is an updated, unabridged, and enlightening version of Jonathan Edwards’s Charity and Its Fruits—the perfect blend of doctrine and application on the all-important topic, Christian love.

ISBN: 9781433529702


Charity and Its Fruits: Living in the Light of God's Love by Jonathan Edwards 

Jonathan Edwards took great pains to illustrate how love must be lived out and exercised in one’s life when he exposited I Corinthians 13. Thus Edwards scholar Kyle Strobel has gone to great lengths to help readers understand this classic work of biblical spirituality by providing:

  • A detailed introduction
  • Over 150 explanatory notes addressing difficult concepts throughout the text
  • Definitions of arcane terminology
  • Relevant quotes from Edwards’s other writings
  • A conclusion showing how to appropriate Edwards’s work

Here is an updated, unabridged, and enlightening version of Jonathan Edwards’s Charity and Its Fruits—the perfect blend of doctrine and application on the all-important topic, Christian love.

ISBN: 9781433529702

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