Adventures Of Adam Raccoon: King's Big Dinner


Adventures Of Adam Raccoon: King's Big Dinner by Glen Keane 

The Adventures of Adam Raccoon take place in the heart of the Master’s Wood. Adam Raccoon, along with his animal friends, find both danger and beauty in the woods filled with streams, waterfalls, and tall trees. Kids will easily relate to Adam who is playful, curious, a little mischievous, and tender hearted. Whenever Adam gets himself into trouble by going his own way, King Aren comes to the rescue.

ISBN: 9781937212209


Adventures Of Adam Raccoon: King's Big Dinner by Glen Keane 

The Adventures of Adam Raccoon take place in the heart of the Master’s Wood. Adam Raccoon, along with his animal friends, find both danger and beauty in the woods filled with streams, waterfalls, and tall trees. Kids will easily relate to Adam who is playful, curious, a little mischievous, and tender hearted. Whenever Adam gets himself into trouble by going his own way, King Aren comes to the rescue.

ISBN: 9781937212209

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