
Adoniram Judson: A Bicentennial Appreciation of the Pioneer American Missionary (Studies in Baptist Life and Thought)


Adoniram Judson: A Bicentennial Appreciation of the Pioneer American Missionary (Studies in Baptist Life and Thought) by Jason G. Duesing

On February 19, 1812, Adoniram Judson, his wife Ann, and a few others set sail for the Far East from their American homeland. The launching of these missionaries by a newly formed outreach society marked the beginning of Americans formally joining the modem missions movement.

With the advent of 2012 comes recognition of the bicentennial of Judson’s departure and official start of the American missionary enterprise. This volume seeks to honor the life and mission of Judson while retelling his story for a new generation. With the occasion of the 200-year anniversary of Judson’s departure as a fitting context for such a presentation, the his- torians, theologians, and missiologists writing here under the guidance of editor Jason G. Duesing have endeavored not only to serve as Judson’s biographers of past events, but also as his interpreters of what they hope will take place in the present and future.

Contributors include Paige Patterson, Michael A. G. Haykin, Robert Caldwell, Nathan A. Finn, Candi Finch, Keith E. Eitel, Gregory A. Wills, and Daniel L. Akin.

ISBN: 9781433677656


Adoniram Judson: A Bicentennial Appreciation of the Pioneer American Missionary (Studies in Baptist Life and Thought) by Jason G. Duesing

On February 19, 1812, Adoniram Judson, his wife Ann, and a few others set sail for the Far East from their American homeland. The launching of these missionaries by a newly formed outreach society marked the beginning of Americans formally joining the modem missions movement.

With the advent of 2012 comes recognition of the bicentennial of Judson’s departure and official start of the American missionary enterprise. This volume seeks to honor the life and mission of Judson while retelling his story for a new generation. With the occasion of the 200-year anniversary of Judson’s departure as a fitting context for such a presentation, the his- torians, theologians, and missiologists writing here under the guidance of editor Jason G. Duesing have endeavored not only to serve as Judson’s biographers of past events, but also as his interpreters of what they hope will take place in the present and future.

Contributors include Paige Patterson, Michael A. G. Haykin, Robert Caldwell, Nathan A. Finn, Candi Finch, Keith E. Eitel, Gregory A. Wills, and Daniel L. Akin.

ISBN: 9781433677656

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