Abortion and the Early Church


Abortion and the Early Church by Michael J. Gorman

What is abortion? A convenience to society? A legal offense? Murder? The twentieth century s not the first to face these questions. Abortion was a common practice two thousand years ago. The young Christian church, growing up in influential centers of Greco-Roman culture, could not ignore the practice. How would church leaders define abortion? Dr. Michael J. Gorman examines Christian documents in their Greco-Roman context, concluding that Christians held a consistent position throughout the church's first four hundred years.

ISBN: 9781579101824


Abortion and the Early Church by Michael J. Gorman

What is abortion? A convenience to society? A legal offense? Murder? The twentieth century s not the first to face these questions. Abortion was a common practice two thousand years ago. The young Christian church, growing up in influential centers of Greco-Roman culture, could not ignore the practice. How would church leaders define abortion? Dr. Michael J. Gorman examines Christian documents in their Greco-Roman context, concluding that Christians held a consistent position throughout the church's first four hundred years.

ISBN: 9781579101824

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