A Small Book About a Big Problem: Meditations on Anger, Patience, and Peace


Is anger leaving its mark on you? Are you wounding those around you when your blood pressure rises? Embark on a 50-day journey with biblical counselor and psychologist Welch to unpack your heated emotions---and grow in God's promised peace. His meditations will help you become more skillful at responding with patience to life's difficulties. 192 pages, softcover from New Growth.
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Categories: Books, New to the UE
Is anger leaving its mark on you? Are you wounding those around you when your blood pressure rises? Embark on a 50-day journey with biblical counselor and psychologist Welch to unpack your heated emotions---and grow in God's promised peace. His meditations will help you become more skillful at responding with patience to life's difficulties. 192 pages, softcover from New Growth.
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