
Our shelves are filled with classic literature recommended by the English faculty, books suggested by the Business and History departments, biographies, entrepreneurial, and more! There is even a President's Collection featuring all published books by our university President, Dr. John MacArthur. 

Showing 1–24 of 174 results

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          Fulfill Your Ministry: 2 Timothy and Titus and the Challenges of Serving the Gospel

          Delve into the depths of Paul’s experiential and godly wisdom in 2 Timothy and Titus, and find encouragement for your own ministry   These are difficult days for those who pastor...

          Heart Songs for Every Saint: Engaging with God Through Times of Darkness & Light

          William Philip encourages readers to use the Psalms as their own heart songs, in any circumstance.   Don’t just admire the Psalms, use them. Psalms are Spirit–inspired prayers that help us...

          What is the Bible?

          What is the Bible? (Questions for Restless Minds) by, Graham A. Cole and D. A. Carson The book that understands you. Christians are people of the book. But does the Bible still...

          What Does Nature Teach Us about God?

          What Does Nature Teach Us about God? (Questions for Restless Minds) by, Kirsten R Birkett and D. A. Carson  For many, God has been banished from scientific inquiry. Only natural forces are...

          What Does It Mean to Be a Thoughtful Christian?

          What Does It Mean to Be a Thoughtful Christian? (Questions for Restless Minds)  by, David S Dockery and D. A. Carson  How to love God with your heart, soul, and mind....

          Face to Face With God

          Face to Face with God: A Biblical Theology of Christ as Priest and Mediator  by, Desmond T. Alexander and Benjamin L. Gladd How can sinful humans approach a holy God? In the...

          Why Would Anyone Follow Jesus?

          Why Would Anyone Follow Jesus?  By, Ray Comfort Of all the gods, gurus, and good people out there, why Jesus? Why follow some ancient carpenter-turned-philosopher from a podunk town in the...

          Track: Gaming A Students Guide to Gaming

          Track: Gaming A Students Guide to Gaming by, Reagan Rose  ed. John Perritt Gaming is multi–billion–dollar industry, which has been growing massively in the last few years. It seems that everyone...

          Tidings of Comfort and Joy

          Tidings of Comfort and Joy: 25 Advent Devotionals Leading to Christmas by Mark M. Yarbrough Remember Christ our Savior was born on Christmas Day. "Read ... and marvel at the fact that...

          Its a Dog Life

          It's a Dog's Life: Finding the Profound in the Peculiar Paperback by Jess Lucas  He's caused mass road rage with his inability to change a tire... swam with sharks and box jellyfish... put...

          What Jesus Did: 31 Devotions About the Life of Jesus

          What Jesus Did: 31 Devotions about the life of Jesus Hardcover by Sinclair Furgeson  Since before the beginning of time God has been at work. He created the world; he promised to...

          Remember and Return

          Remember and Return: Rekindling your Love for The Savior (Paperback) by John MacArthur  31-Day Devotional from Bestselling Author and Bible Teacher John MacArthurIn the busyness and trials of life, it's easy to drift...

          One Faithful Life

          A Harmony of the Life and Letters by John MacArthur Experience Paul's world-changing writings in the full, chronological context of his life story--from Pharisee and persecutor of the church to the...


          The Mysteries of God's Kingdom Revealed Through the Stories Jesus Told by John MacArthur Pastor-teacher John MacArthur helps readers understand Jesus’ parables and how they relate to the whole of His...

          Sanctification: Gods Passion for His People

           Sanctification: God's Passion for His People Hard Cover by John MacArthur  Sanctification is a powerful tract for our times―a purposefully short book. You can read it in an hour or two, but its...

          12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You

          12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You by, Tony Reinke, (Forward) John Piper Do You Control Your Phone—Or Does Your Phone Control You? Within a few years of its unveiling, the smartphone had...

          Jesus Unleashed

          A New Vision of the Bold Confrontations of Christ and Why They Matter by John MacArthur Walk through the gospel records of the “bold confrontations” of Jesus and discover how to use...

          Genesis 1-11

          Creation, Sin, and the Nature of God by John MacArthur Where did we come from? Why is there pain and suffering? Who committed the first murder? Why are there so many...

          One with a Shepherd: The Tears and Triumphs of a Ministry Marriage Paperback

          One with a Shepherd: The Tears and Triumphs of a Ministry Marriage Paperback by Mary Somerville (Author), Mary Beeke (Author) With NEW study questions, One with a Shepherd is a wealth of God's wisdom and grace...

          Luke 1–13: The Year of the Lord’s Favour (Focus on the Bible) Paperback

          Luke 1–13: The Year of the Lord’s Favour (Focus on the Bible) Paperback Esteemed biblical scholar Dale Ralph Davis examines the treasure to be found in Luke’s gospel. His humor and love...

          A Little Book on the Christian Life, Leaves

          A Little Book on the Christian Life, Leaves For centuries, Christians of all ages have turned to John Calvin’s A Little Book on the Christian Life to help them on their journey as...

          Love Your Church Paperback

          Love Your Church Paperback  by Tony Merida  How to grow in love for your church.God calls us to be "devoted to one another in love" (Romans 12:10). What does this look like...

          The God Who Loves: He Will Do Whatever It Takes To Draw Us To Him

          The God Who Loves: He Will Do Whatever It Takes To Draw Us To Him by John F. MacArthur "God is love." It's the most basic definition of God in Scriptures, but...

          Caspian Crashes the Party: When You Are Jealous (Good News for Little Hearts Series)

          Caspian Crashes the Party: When You Are Jealous (Good News for Little Hearts Series) by Edward t. Welch (Editor), Joe Hox (Illustrator) This colorful, beautifully illustrated children's book invites children ages three...