
Our shelves are filled with classic literature recommended by the English faculty, books suggested by the Business and History departments, biographies, entrepreneurial, and more! There is even a President's Collection featuring all published books by our university President, Dr. John MacArthur. 

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          Anticipating the Advent: Looking for Messiah in All the Right Places

          Anticipating the Advent: Looking for Messiah in All the Right Places by William Varner Most Christmas books focus on the light and joy of the season. Anticipating the Advent, however, portrays the dark...

          $15.95 $9.99 Read moreRead more

          The Deity of Christ: A John MacArthur Study Series

          The Deity of Christ: A John MacArthur Study Series How is Jesus also God? Long ago, Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” It's a question everyone must...

          The Believer's Walk with Christ: A John MacArthur Study Series

          The Believer's Walk with Christ: A John MacArthur Study Series  What it means to walk with Christ ‘Walking’ is a rich biblical metaphor. Figures like Enoch, Noah, and Abraham are remembered...

          $12.99 $5.99 Read moreRead more

          God in the Manger

          God in the Manger by John MacArthur Rediscover the saving truth hidden in Bethlehem's manger. Because of the warm fuzzy ambiance and economic impact of Christmas, Dr. John MacArthur is convinced...