
CSB Compact Ultrathin Bible, Pink LeatherTouch, Indexed


CSB Compact Ultrathin Bible, Pink LeatherTouch, Indexed

The CSB Compact Ultrathin Bible features 7-point type in a convenient, easy-to-carry compact trim size that slips nicely into a coat pocket, briefcase, or purse. It is the perfect gift for a person on the go who wants to keep the Word of God on hand at work or when traveling.

Features inlcude: Smyth-sewn binding, Presentation page, Two-column text, Footnotes, Topical subheadings, Words of Christ in red, 7-point type, Concordance, Full-color maps, and more.

The CSB Compact Ultrathin Bible features the highly reliable, highly readable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB), which stays as literal as possible to the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity. The CSB’s optimal blend of accuracy and readability makes Scripture more moving, more memorable, and more motivating to read and share with others.

ISBN: 9781433651380

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Categories: Bibles Tags: Bibles

CSB Compact Ultrathin Bible, Pink LeatherTouch, Indexed

The CSB Compact Ultrathin Bible features 7-point type in a convenient, easy-to-carry compact trim size that slips nicely into a coat pocket, briefcase, or purse. It is the perfect gift for a person on the go who wants to keep the Word of God on hand at work or when traveling.

Features inlcude: Smyth-sewn binding, Presentation page, Two-column text, Footnotes, Topical subheadings, Words of Christ in red, 7-point type, Concordance, Full-color maps, and more.

The CSB Compact Ultrathin Bible features the highly reliable, highly readable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB), which stays as literal as possible to the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity. The CSB’s optimal blend of accuracy and readability makes Scripture more moving, more memorable, and more motivating to read and share with others.

ISBN: 9781433651380

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