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          1 and 2 Thessalonians and Titus (MacArthur Bible Studies)

          1 and 2 Thessalonians and Titus (MacArthur Bible Studies) The MacArthur Study Guide Series continues to be one of the best selling study guide series on the market today. These brand-new...

          1 and 2 Timothy (MacArthur Bible Studies)

          1 and 2 Timothy (MacArthur Bible Studies) Revised and updated, the MacArthur Study Guide Series continues to be one of the best selling study guide series on the market today. For...

          1 Corinthians (MacArthur Bible Studies)

          1 Corinthians (MacArthur Bible Studies) As the gospel spreads to the far corners of the earth, the apostle Paul is under mounting pressure to provide doctrinal direction to maturing churches before...

          1 Peter: A Commentary Hardcover

          1 Peter: A Commentary Hardcover Leading New Testament scholar Craig Keener, one of the most trusted exegetes working today, is widely respected for his thorough research, sound judgments, and knowledge of ancient...

          1, 2, 3 John and Jude (MacArthur Bible Studies)

          1, 2, 3 John and Jude (MacArthur Bible Studies) The MacArthur Study Guide Series continues to be one of the best selling study guide series on the market today. These brand-new...

          1,2,3 John, Revelation: The Preacher's Commentary

          1,2,3 John, Revelation: The Preacher's Commentary by Earl F. Palmer General editor Lloyd J. Ogilvie brings together a team of skilled and exceptional communicators to blend sound scholarship with life-related illustrations. The...

          10 Dead Guys You Should Know: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants (Biography)

            10 Dead Guys You Should Know: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants (Biography) by Ian Maddock Ten fascinating bite–sized biographies of the Christians people expect you to know. While Christians...

          12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You

          12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You by, Tony Reinke, (Forward) John Piper Do You Control Your Phone—Or Does Your Phone Control You? Within a few years of its unveiling, the smartphone had...

          40 Lives in 40 Days: Experiencing God's Grace Through the Bible's Most Compelling Characters

          Join MacArthur for a closer look at the ordinary people God trusted to carry his remarkable message! From the 12 disciples to the Samaritan woman, he sheds light on the imperfect...

          40 Questions About the Apostle Paul

          Publisher's Description What can we know about the apostle Paul, and what difference does it make?Paul of Tarsus was an undeniably forceful presence in the early Christian church, instructing fledgling congregations...

          5 Things to Pray for a Suffering Friend

          It can sometimes be hard to know how best to help friends, family or fellow church members who are struggling through pain and suffering. But one guaranteed way to love them...

          5 Things to Pray for Your World

          5 Things to Pray for Your World by Rachel Jones  When we watch the news, our hearts break for a world in need. But Christians are not powerless to help: we...

          A Better Than Anything Christmas

          A Better Than Anything Christmas by Barbara Reaoch Advent devotional helping your family get more excited about Jesus at Christmas than anything else.A Better Than Anything Christmas is the second Advent devotional for...

          A Christian's Pocket Guide to Suffering: How God Shapes Us through Pain and Tragedy

          A Christian's Pocket Guide to Suffering: How God Shapes Us through Pain and Tragedy by Brian H. Cosby  When tragedy strikes-the death of a child, hurricanes, a school shooting-we begin looking...

          A Fight to the Death: Taking Aim at Sin Within (Strength for Life)

          A Fight to the Death: Taking Aim at Sin Within (Strength for Life) by Wayne A. Mack Too few Christians are aware that they are in a fight to the death! Mack...

          A Little Book on the Christian Life, Leaves

          A Little Book on the Christian Life, Leaves For centuries, Christians of all ages have turned to John Calvin’s A Little Book on the Christian Life to help them on their journey as...

          A Meal with Jesus: Discovering Grace, Community, and Mission around the Table Paperback

          A Meal with Jesus: Discovering Grace, Community, and Mission around the Table Paperback  by Tim Chester The meals of Jesus represent something bigger. They represent a new world, a new kingdom, a new...

          A Quest For More: Living For Something Bigger Than You

          A Quest For More: Living For Something Bigger Than You by Paul David Tripp  Paul David Tripp expertly traverses the deepest recesses of the human heart and compassionately invites fellow Christian travelers...

          A Rulebook for Arguments

          A Rulebook for Arguments by Anthony Weston ISBN: 9780872209541

          A Sad Departure

          A Sad Departure by David J. Randall  From the Forward by Sinclair Ferguson:If you care at all about the Christian church you must brace yourself for a roller coaster of emotions...