
All of Grace (Moody Classics)


All of Grace (Moody Classics) by C .H. Spurgeon

Now with a new foreword by Rosalie De Rosset.

C. H. Spurgeon writes, “Only God can justify the ungodly, but He can do it to perfection. He casts our sins behind His back; He blots them out. He says that though they be sought for, they shall not be found.”

In an age of limited travel and isolated nations, C.H. Spurgeon preached to over 10,000,000 people in person—sometimes up to 10 times per week. It is in this classic work that Spurgeon most clearly presents the message of salvation—man’s ultimate need and God’s unique provision—both simply and sincerely, for honest seekers and zealous witnesses alike.

ISBN: 9780802454522


All of Grace (Moody Classics) by C .H. Spurgeon

Now with a new foreword by Rosalie De Rosset.

C. H. Spurgeon writes, “Only God can justify the ungodly, but He can do it to perfection. He casts our sins behind His back; He blots them out. He says that though they be sought for, they shall not be found.”

In an age of limited travel and isolated nations, C.H. Spurgeon preached to over 10,000,000 people in person—sometimes up to 10 times per week. It is in this classic work that Spurgeon most clearly presents the message of salvation—man’s ultimate need and God’s unique provision—both simply and sincerely, for honest seekers and zealous witnesses alike.

ISBN: 9780802454522

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