
A Small Book for the Hurting Heart


A Small Book for the Hurting Heart by Paul Tautges

Grief may threaten to overtake us or destroy our joy. In this powerful devotional book, men and women will see Jesus Christ, the Man of Sorrows, who is well-acquainted with grief and sadness.

Author and pastor Paul Tautges offers our comforting High Priest, sharing how the Holy Spirit ministers to our hurting heart through the healing balm of God's Word graciously applied to life's wounds.

By biblically and transparently addressing the heart and faith struggles in the midst of this grief, A Small Book for the Hurting Heart delves deeply, but gently, into the issues of the heart presenting encouragement and comfort in the character of God revealed in his Word.

This small but transformative Christian book cultivates anchors of hope, redirecting men and women to the trustworthiness of God who is always for us in Christ. Because all of God's promises are Yes in Christ, Tautges walks with readers through their grief to see the one who nourishes our faith and heals our soul.

In fifty brief readings, your hurting heart will find spiritual help, encouragement, and healing as you experience the comfort of God.


ISBN: 1645070441

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Categories: Books Tags: Christian Living

A Small Book for the Hurting Heart by Paul Tautges

Grief may threaten to overtake us or destroy our joy. In this powerful devotional book, men and women will see Jesus Christ, the Man of Sorrows, who is well-acquainted with grief and sadness.

Author and pastor Paul Tautges offers our comforting High Priest, sharing how the Holy Spirit ministers to our hurting heart through the healing balm of God's Word graciously applied to life's wounds.

By biblically and transparently addressing the heart and faith struggles in the midst of this grief, A Small Book for the Hurting Heart delves deeply, but gently, into the issues of the heart presenting encouragement and comfort in the character of God revealed in his Word.

This small but transformative Christian book cultivates anchors of hope, redirecting men and women to the trustworthiness of God who is always for us in Christ. Because all of God's promises are Yes in Christ, Tautges walks with readers through their grief to see the one who nourishes our faith and heals our soul.

In fifty brief readings, your hurting heart will find spiritual help, encouragement, and healing as you experience the comfort of God.


ISBN: 1645070441

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