
The Messiah and the Psalms: Preaching Christ from all the Psalms


The Messiah and the Psalms: Preaching Christ from all the Psalms by Richard P. Belcher Jr.

What is the relevance and significance of the Psalms both to the New Testament and to our lives in the 21st Century? Richard Belcher helps you understand how all the psalms relate to Christ. Some have a direct relationship, but with others the link is not so evident. He carefully explains the biblical basis for his view and then how it works with different types of psalms.

ISBN: 9781845500740


The Messiah and the Psalms: Preaching Christ from all the Psalms by Richard P. Belcher Jr.

What is the relevance and significance of the Psalms both to the New Testament and to our lives in the 21st Century? Richard Belcher helps you understand how all the psalms relate to Christ. Some have a direct relationship, but with others the link is not so evident. He carefully explains the biblical basis for his view and then how it works with different types of psalms.

ISBN: 9781845500740

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